Nov 17 – 21, 2024
Congress Kursaal Interlaken
Europe/Zurich timezone
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For session chairs

** Timetable and Scientific Program **

We are pleased to announce that our event will feature 14 scientific sessions. Each session will begin with a 10-minute introductory talk by the chair, focusing on the session's topic.

Please prepare the following:

  • Abstract– An abstract for the topic of your chaired session, which will be included in the electronic abstract book. Kindly submit your abstract here and choose "I have been invited as a chair.

  • Presentation– A 10-minute talk at the start of each session without Q&A or discussion. If you plan to use slides, please create them using PowerPoint/Keynote, ensuring a large font and a 16:9 ratio.

  • Timekeeping– We have a tightly scheduled program for the conference. Please adhere stricty to the time limit, allowing 15-minute presentation and 5-minute discussion for each speaker.