PSI SMACC1 Design Review





MagDev is the magnet development activity within the CHART (Swiss Accelerator Research and Technology) network and contributes to the HFM (High-Field Magnet) Programme hosted at CERN under the agreements KE4808 and KE5943.

During the CHART1 funding period (2016-2019), MagDev designed and built a Nb3Sn Canted–Cosine–Theta CCT magnet called CD1, with testing initiated at LBNL and concluded at CERN.

For the CHART2 period (2020 - ongoing), MagDev was divided into two phases, primarily for better steering of the LTS program: MagDev1 (2020 - 2022) focused on short-tracking technology development for Nb3Sn Stress-Managed High-Field Magnets (HFMs) and providing a roadmap for the remainder of CHART2 and beyond; MagDev2 (2022 - ongoing) aims to implement a significant portion of the roadmap.

This technical review of the Stress-Managed Asymmetric Common-Coils magnet (SMACC1) constitutes deliverable D1.3 of WP3.14 in the HFM Programme.

Questions for the Review Committee:

a. Have the goals of the project been clearly stated and explained?
b. Is the design overall solid? This includes the magnetic design, protection, and mechanics.
c. Are the parameters sufficient to validate the SMACC concept?
d. Are there any unidentified risks associated with the design?
e. Is there a sufficient level of tests and R&D?
f. Does the maturity of the design presented allow for continuing the engineering design phase?

Paolo Ferracin (Chair, LBNL), Susana Izquierdo Bermudez (CERN), and Fernando Toral (CIEMAT)

The review will be held in person and online: