- MIXE will do cable upgrade with patch panels, likely 4 patch panels per arm
- tell IDS that we would prefer to have their frame, but if not possible, it is also ok not to have it, not yet talk there about the cables etc
Anastasia - update on the new LEGE detectors:
- preamp at gain x10
- optimized the trapezoid parameters with long traces
- did resolution tests with Fe55, Co57, Am241
- resolution problem was not solved with increasing the number of bins, but it was seen that this is due to the baseline correction (counts twice the noise and this becomes important at low energies, eg the Fe55)
- For Fe55 the baseline correction was not performed and then the resolution is indeed ok
- note for the future: include an option in the json files whether or not we do the base-line correction depending on how much pile-up we expect
Marie - update on the clovers:
- Clover 146 has one bad crystal
- For clover 147 all crystals are not very good
- working on a solution in contact with Canberra
- QED from Paul for all isotopes but the 41K
- Calculated the barrett radius from this
- investigation on cut-off radius
- investigation on the step-size for Riemann integration
- differences in barrett radii show some weird additional trends, which seem to be related to the single barrett radii --> Solution include Rkalpha1 in the fitting model
- preliminary radii for Cl with their uncertainties
- deviate substantially from literature, but in isotone trernd, Michaels values make more sense
- V2 from DFT calculations: Brussels group (Pepijn and Wouter) can calculate the charge distribution, which gives values for V2 in good agreement with the high Q measurements
- k and alpha -> Konstantin is working on it
- nucleon polarization and nuclear polarization are more or less finished
- 2p, 1s electron screening -> Natalia is working on it
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