We invite all participants presenting a poster or talk to contribute proceeding papers on all fundamental and applied topics of Vacuum UltraViolet and X-ray physics. Original work of both theoretical and experimental nature is welcomed.
All manuscripts will be subjected to the normal refereeing process for the Journal of Electron Spectroscopy (2 reviews). This will create a high-impact volume that will become a highly cited modern reference for new advances in VUV and X-ray physics. We strongly encourage and invite all participants to submit an original article for consideration for publication in this special issue as early as possible to ensure that this special issue can be published by March 2017.
A regular article should normally be about 4 journal pages - approximately 3000 words, with no more than 4 figures or tables, each occupying a quarter page. Please note: One journal page = 1000 words (not counting figures or tables).
Plenary and Invited Speakers are invited to submit somewhat longer articles (up to 10 journal pages), which can have a partial review character or can be entirely of review type if appropriate.
Timeline for VUVX2016 Special Issue
Submission site open 06 June 2016
Conference 03-08 July 2016
Submission site closed 22 August 2016
Publication – papers will be published and accessible shortly after being accepted.
The on-line version of the VUVX2016 Special Issue will be available as open-access for one year after the complete publication of the issue.
Special Issue Editor : Thorsten Schmitt, Frithjof Nolting, and Vladimir Strocov, PSI.