10–13 Jun 2024
Parkhotel Bad Zurzach, Switzerland
Europe/Zurich timezone

Lumped Parameter Model for Simulation of HTS Cables in Power System Simulators

11 Jun 2024, 16:40
Parkhotel Bad Zurzach, Switzerland

Parkhotel Bad Zurzach, Switzerland


Wescley Tiago Batista de Sousa (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)


Due the integration of superconducting technologies into electrical networks around the world, its precise simulations in power grids are increasingly becoming a desirable outcome. Sophisticated methods have been used to model superconducting power cables and, in this way, predict its behavior under different conditions. Most of the available models, however, are not advisable to be used and embedded in power system simulators. In this work, we focus on the development of a method for modelling superconducting cables in traditional power grid simulators. Besides considering the heat transfer conduction in the solid layers, the model also incorporates the transient behavior of the cooling media, which is mandatory for such cables. It has been observed that the proposed model requires less computational effort and is able to deliver accurate results when compared to more advanced methods.

Topic Innovative methods and tools for modelling large-scale HTS systems

Primary author

Wescley Tiago Batista de Sousa (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)

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