Jun 10 – 13, 2024
Parkhotel Bad Zurzach, Switzerland
Europe/Zurich timezone

  Thank you for attending the HTS 2024 workshop



 W  E  L  C  O  M  E  

The research and development of modelling tools and approaches is a fundamental subject in applied superconductivity.

High Temperature Superconducting (HTS) materials raise complex challenges in the design and prediction of devices behavior due to their thermal and electromagnetic dependencies and non-linearities, hysteresis, anisotropy, high wire aspect ratio and interaction with other functional materials.

For this 9th edition, the topics of the workshop are organized into three main categories:

Innovative methods and tools for modelling large-scale HTS systems

  • Improvements in fundamental numerical methods to simulate superconducting materials, including HTS, MgB2 and iron-based materials.
  • Innovative methods and tools for design and simulation of HTS materials.
  • Original, novel application of commercial numerical software packages,
  • Open access modelling and simulation resources for teaching, training and research.

Coupled & uncoupled multiphysics problems

  • Computation of AC losses under distinct regimes.
  • Thermal modelling (coupled and uncoupled).
  • Mechanical modelling (coupled and uncoupled).

Applications in large instruments such as high-field magnets, medical magnets and accelerator magnets

  • Design and optimization tools for HTS devices for power/transportation applications [Topics include energy storage, including SMES and flywheels; fault current limiters; power cables; transformers; wind generators; stacked tape machines; and others],
  • Development of tools for integration with power grid software simulators,
  • Novel applications of HTS materials.

The HTS Modelling Workshop aims to bring together researchers specializing in physics, mathematics, and electrical engineering applied to new and existing computational methods, the development of modeling tools, the advanced use of simulation software and the design of superconductivity applications in the industrial environment.

The workshop format facilitates discussion among researchers, which is necessary to achieve their objectives.

The HTS 2024 Modelling Workshop is hosted by


The HTS 2024 Modelling Worshop is sponsored by