10–13 Jun 2024
Parkhotel Bad Zurzach, Switzerland
Europe/Zurich timezone

Sofia Viarengo

Eng. Sofia Viarengo, Politecnico di Torino, Italy

I started working on modelling HTS components in my PhD in Politecnico di Torino (nov.2020 – June 2024), supervised by Prof. Laura Savoldi. My activity was focused on the development of numerical multiphysics models for the analysis of normal and off-normal operating HTS. In my first year of PhD, I developed in Python a 1D electromagnetic module for superconducting cables, to couple to a thermal-hydraulic module (OPENSC2). Then, I spent my second year in LBNL (CA,USA) supervised by Dr. Paolo Ferracin, where I developed in COMSOL Multiphysics a full 3D multiphysics model for the characterization of the critical current for CORC® cables, available on the HTS Modelling Workgroup. The model is based on the T-A formulation, leveraging the high aspect ratio of ReBCO tapes, and is coupled to a thermal model, which considers the free convection from the coolant, the conduction among overlapping tapes and joule losses (if any). I would be glad if you can consider my application as a Board member of the HTS Modelling Workgroup: I’m eager to help, learn and exchange knowledge about HTS modelling field.
