Oct 2 – 7, 2022
Europe/Zurich timezone

Young Scientists Travel Awards

Applicable to a travel grant are:
- Master students
- PhD students
- Postdocs until 5 years after their PhD

Grantees have to register, including payment of the registration fee. They are expected to attend both, the IPICS OSC and the ICYS workshop.

The maximum amount awarded is CHF 2'000.--.

When applying for a travel grant, please send your CV of max. 2 pages (including publication list) to ipics@psi.ch.

Deadline for travel award applications: April 30, 2022.
Confirmation to travel awardees: June 1, 2022.



Travel grants for young scientist from China will be available from the Third Pole Environment Program (TPE)

Following the CAS’s financial regulation, reimbursement can be issued after receiving all young scientists’ travel invoices (i.e., air line/train tickets, hotel invoices). This means that young scientists need to pay by themselves first and the reimbursements will be transferred to their bank accounts after the meeting.

Contact: Jing Gao, Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, gaojing@itpcas.ac.cn