Oct 2 – 7, 2022
Europe/Zurich timezone

Code of Conduct

Ice core science has always been a field of international collaboration and free scientific exchange and the IPICS OSC 2022 is committed to this spirit.

Accordingly, the IPICS OSC will welcome scientists as individuals from any background and strives to provide a place for scientific exchange that is safe, non-discriminating and without harassment.

With the registration to the conference all participants agree to adhere to the Code of Conduct of the IPICS OSC 2022.

In particular the Code of Conduct implies that the participants

• treat all other participants and attendees of the meeting with respect, courtesy, and

• participate in a professional, collaborative, and fair manner

• consider the diversity of the audience

• abstain from personal attacks

• will not use the forum of the IPICS OSC for political statements

Harassment, intimidation, discrimination or personal attacks will not be tolerated, and any action deemed necessary and appropriate will be taken by conference organizers and staff to prevent such action, including expulsion from both in-person and virtual participation.

In case you experience any case of such action, please contact conference staff or the conference organizers.