9–13 Oct 2022
FHNW Campus Brugg-Windisch
Europe/Zurich timezone

Update on the LLRF operations status at the European XFEL

11 Oct 2022, 10:20
Aula (Building 3)


Building 3

Oral Low Level RF Workshop 2022 Systems and Operations


Marco Diomede (DESY)


The European XFEL (EuXFEL) is a Free Electron Laser in the X-ray range for users. Its high availability is one of the key aspects of the machine and, in 2022, it entered in the sixth year of operation. The EuXFEL linac is based on the TESLA superconducting RF technology, operating at 1.3 GHz with a repetition rate of 10 Hz. The LLRF system is based on the MicroTCA standard and relies on a high level of automation. In this contribution, we review the LLRF operation at the EuXFEL and the development of new tools to improve the monitoring and extend the usability of the LLRF system.

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