9–13 Oct 2022
FHNW Campus Brugg-Windisch
Europe/Zurich timezone


A hotel contingent has been pre-booked at the below mentioned three hotels in Brugg. Please use the password / comment "LLRF22" when booking your room. Due to the limited room availability in Brugg, it is suggested to book your hotel room as early as possible.


Centurion Towerhotel (next to the FHNW campus, 1 min walk)
Steinackerstrasse 1,
5210 Windisch-Brugg

Booking with std./dynamic rates over www.centurion-towerhotel.ch

Hotel Terminus (next to the Brugg train station, 5 min walk to FHNW campus)
Bahnhofplatz 1-5
5200 Brugg, Switzerland
Booking preferred over https://terminus-brugg.ch/en/
approx. 120 CHF/night


Hotel Rotes Haus (close to Brugg city centre, 10 min walk to FHNW campus)
Hauptstrasse 7
5200 Brugg, Switzerland
Booking preferred over https://roteshausbrugg.ch/en/rooms/
approx. 100 CHF/night
Status as of 2022-08-18: 0 rooms available. 

Baden Youth Hostel (30 minutes walking distance to Baden train station)
Kanalstrasse 7
5400 Baden, Switzerland
Booking preferred over https://www.youthhostel.ch/en/hostels/baden/
approx. 88CHF/night (single bedroom) or less for shared rooms


Further hotels

Hotel blue city in Baden, close to the train station, 10 min direct train travel
Hotel Trafo in Baden, close to the train station, 10 min direct train travel
Hotel Aarehof in Wildegg, close to the train station, 10 min direct train travel
PSI Guest House, 15 min direct bus ride, no breakfast