The excursion to Vindonissa will start directly after the poster session. A local guide will show us what is left over from the 2000 year old roman infrastructure in the area of the village Windisch. This includes the visit to the impressive amphitheathre Vindonissa as well to the gates of the military camp or finally the pottery kilns.
Date: Wednesday Oct 12, 2022
Start time: 17:00, at FHNW building 1, Lichthof
End time: 18:30, at FHNW building 1, Lichthof
- No sign-up is required.
- About 1.5 -2 km walking distance.
- The whole excursion is outdoor and done under all weather conditions.
Fig.: Animation of the Vindonissa site in years between 0 and 100 AD.
Fig.: Map showing the extension of the Vindonissa site with respect to the nowadays buildings and streets.