Oct 9 – 13, 2022
FHNW Campus Brugg-Windisch
Europe/Zurich timezone

Payment Information

All refunds requests must be in writing by mail to the Conference Secretary
silvia.bacher@psi.ch as soon as possible.
The Local Organization Committee reserves the right to refuse reimbursement of part or all of the fee dependent on the date of cancellation. In general, cancellations until September 4, 2022 can expect full reimbursement minus a CHF 50.- administration fee and cancellations after September 4, 2022 can only expect partial or no reimbursement. However, each case of cancellation will be considered individually.


Payment options
These payment options will be shown after you have completed the first steps of your registration:

  • Credit card (only for individual payments)
  • Bank transfer (for individual or total payments)


Bank transfer details
Swiss Post - PostFinance
Mingerstrasse 20
3000 Bern, Switzerland

EuroSIC Clearing-Nr.: 9000
Account no: 30-3478-7
IBAN: CH0209000000300034787 

If you make an individual payment for only one participant, please mention: "LLRF22 + name of participant" in the payment comments.

If your institution wants to make a total payment for all participants, please mention: “LLRF22 total payment + name of institute” in the payment comments and inform silvia.bacher@psi.ch (click here form e-mail template) about the total payment with a list of all registered participant names.

If you make a payment for an industrial exhibitor, please mention: "LLRF22 exhibitor + name of company + name of participant" in the payment comments.


Bank Transfer Payment Deadlines

  • For participants latest 5 days after the end of the early / late registration deadlines.
  • For industial exhibitors latest 10 days after their registration.