Lab Talks: Lab Talks (1/2)
- Dmitry Teytelman (Dimtel, Inc.)
Lab Talks: Lab Talks (2/2)
- Alessandro Ratti (Stanford Linear Accelerator Center)
This lab talk will cover the highlights of LLRF activities at SLAC both with the controllers for the new SRF linac as well as other warm structures. Topics include the LCLS-II commissioning underway, the test results of the crymodule production and testing, the operations of the SLAC linac both for FEL (LCLS) and plasma wakefield studies (FACET).
This talk will review the progress of the LLRF systems at CERN, in particular the LHC Injector upgrade projects with the first introduction of MicroTCA technology in the accelerator field at CERN. The last two years saw the gradual commissioning of these new systems that also include new overall RF systems with solid state amplifiers for the PS Booster Synchrotron and the SPS. The new systems...
Recent progress of LLRF systems in several accelerator facilities at KEK (SuperKEKB Ring, PF/PF-AR Ring, LINAC, cERL, STF etc.) will be reported.
Presentation of the work the JLAB LLRF engineering staff since 2019.
DESY LAb activities report.
The current major projects at Fermilab include PIP-II – an 800 MEV superconducting LINAC, LBNF (long baseline neutrino facility), DUNE(deep underground neutrino experiment), the Muon g-2 and the Mu2e experiment and several accelerator upgrade projects preparing for the higher intensity proton beam with the commissioning of the PIP-II Linac. PIP-II has entered the construction phase while the...
Many accelerator projects are going on in China, ranging from small-scale cyclotrons for medical treatments, 4th generation synchrotron radiations, to CW X-ray superconducting free-electron lasers. These projects place high demands on low-level RF (LLRF) systems with different requirements on reliability, RF field stability, and multi-mode operability. Super active research and developments on...
This presentation will highlight the LLRF developments at the Spallation Neutron Source at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
This is the lab talk, which covers all LLRF topics in a summary of all facilities operated at PSI (SwissFEL, SLS, HIPA, Proscan).
The presentation will provide highlights from LBNL of the most relevant developments in LLRF at this lab.