CHART Workshop 2023

Auditorium WHGA/001 (PSI, Villigen)

Auditorium WHGA/001

PSI, Villigen

Hans Rudolf Ott (ETHZ)

CHART (Swiss Accelerator Research and Technology) was founded in 2016 as an umbrella collaboration for accelerator research and technology activities in Switzerland. Present partners in CHART are CERN, PSI, EPFL, ETH-Zurich and the University of Geneva.

The mission of CHART - Collaboration is to support the future oriented accelerator project FCC (Future Circular Collider) at CERN and the development of accelerator concepts beyond the existing technology. CHART projects also exploit synergies with technological developments for synchrotron light sources and medical applications.

The activities are focused on the support of the FCC project and on accelerator development beyond the FCC. High field magnet R&D is one of the main projects, complemented by beam dynamics studies for both FCC-ee and FCC-hh designs as well as FCC-ee injector and positron production test facility. High precision machining and miniaturization are key techniques that will be strengthened. Contacts to industry have been established and will be further expanded in the future. Close collaboration with the main stakeholders from particle physics, but also hadron therapy and the Synchrotron Light Source community is of high priority.

The status of the current CHART projects will be presented at this workshop.


Location: Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI), 5232 Villigen, Auditorium WHGA/001, Go to map (Parking is limited. Parking has to be paid with coins, TWINT or the app EasyPark)

The Zoom- Link for the CHART Workshop 2023 is: 
(Meeting-ID: 688 3340 4049 ; Code: 698734)


To participate in the event, registration is required by 17.09.2023 at the latest.

