P. Varghese
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory(FNAL))
The current major projects at Fermilab include PIP-II – an 800 MEV superconducting LINAC, LBNF (long baseline neutrino facility), DUNE(deep underground neutrino experiment), the Muon g-2 and the Mu2e experiment and several accelerator upgrade projects preparing for the higher intensity proton beam with the commissioning of the PIP-II Linac. PIP-II has entered the construction phase while the Mu2e experiment is nearing commissioning in 2024. The PIP-II IT test was completed successfully last year and the LLRF systems are in the final design phase. This talk will be a brief summary of all these projects focusing on the RF and LLRF systems and test facilities.
Primary author
P. Varghese
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory(FNAL))
Brian Chase