Oct 9 – 13, 2022
FHNW Campus Brugg-Windisch
Europe/Zurich timezone

PIP-II Resonance Control System

Oct 12, 2022, 3:15 PM
Lichthof (Building 1)


Building 1

Poster Low Level RF Workshop 2022 Poster Session


James Latshaw (Jefferson Lab)


James Latshaw

PIP-II Resonance Control System
J. Latshaw, B. Chase, C. Hovater, R. Bachimanchi, T. Plawski,
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility,
Newport News, VA 23606, USA
June 30, 2022

The PIP-II Resonance Control System has the goal of providing the electronics to mechanically tune four superconducting cavities as directed by two RF control stations or via LAN manual commands (python LEEP scripts). This solution leverages the LCLS-II Resonance Control chassis design, but with an Intel based FPGA carrier and is largely compatible with LCLS-II screens. This resonance control system will have a 2 Hz/step resolution with up to 256 micro steps per full step. This system also employs piezo driver control with intended resolution better than 1 Hz and a control bandwidth of ~ 500 Hz. The piezo driver boards have ADCs sampling key piezo signals and the DAC output. Cavity detuning information is received over a QSFP fiber interface from the RF station(s). The waveforms of these sampled signals are displayed on EPICS screens for live troubleshooting and diagnostics.

Primary authors

Bachimanchi Ramakrishna (Jefferson Laboratory) Brian Chase (Fermilab) Curt Hovater (Jefferson Lab) James Latshaw (Jefferson Lab) Tomasz Plawski (Jefferson Lab, Virginia, USA)

Presentation materials