Since last ECPM, the IBA R&D Accelerator Group delivered several new Cyclotrons developments to customers. In the range of low energy machines, first Cyclone3 and Cyclone11 were studied, built and accepted by their users. Beside this, the Cyclone30 family grew up with a high current version completed on site and a multi-particle machine, the Cyclone 30xp, largely inspired by Cyclone70 and freshly factory tested. At higher energy, dedicated to ProtonTherapy, the development of the new superconducting synchro-cyclotron (S2C2) has been modeled, designed and is now being built in a joint effort of many team members and IBA partners.
As an introduction to the various scientific communications presented during the 2012 ECPM, this presentation will give an overview of those projects.
Main deliverables, facts and figures will be presented. Major risks, successes and issues will be highlighted too. Moreover, the way to handle such a bunch of projects with a limited team and within a short period of time will be detailed. It is indeed not a trivial question, as it impacts our scientific tools, internal R&D processes, knowledge management and knowledge acquisition strategy.