Auditorium, WHGA/001

Auditorium, WHGA/001

Tsutomu Mibe (KEK), Klaus Stefan Kirch (PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut)

BRIDGE workshop:

Bridging Research Innovations in Diverse muon and neutron science by GEneral collaboration between Japan and Switzerland

Zoom link for special seminar "First MEG II results" on Friday 20th:



    • 08:00
      Bus to PSI Auditorium, WHGA/001

      Auditorium, WHGA/001

    • 08:30
      Registration Auditorium, WHGA/001

      Auditorium, WHGA/001

    • Updates from Labs: Updates from labs Auditorium, WHGA/001

      Auditorium, WHGA/001

      Convener: Klaus Stefan Kirch (PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut)
    • 10:30
      Coffee / Tee Auditorium, WHGA/001

      Auditorium, WHGA/001

    • Targets Auditorium, WHGA/001

      Auditorium, WHGA/001

      Convener: Tsutomu Mibe (KEK)
      • 3
        Struggle to Produce Muons with Teachers and Friends
        Speaker: Shunsuke MAKIMURA (J-PARC, KEK)
      • 4
        Muon Targets at HIPA

        After a short introduction of the High Intensity Proton Accelerator (HIPA) facility, design and features of the currently employed muon targets, TgM and TgE, will be presented along with the plans to exchange TgM with the new and more powerful TgH in the framework of the IMPACT (Isotope and Muon Production using Advanced Cyclotron and Target technology) project. The final part of the presentation will be devoted to the remote handling concept of radioactive targets

        Speaker: Davide Reggiani (PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut)
      • 5
        Irradiation studies for spallation target applications
        Speaker: Yong Dai (Paul Scherrer Institut)
    • 13:00
      Lunch Oase


    • Facility tours Auditorium, WHGA/001

      Auditorium, WHGA/001

      Convener: Malte Hildebrandt (PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut)
      • 6
        Facility tours 1
      • 15:30
        Coffee / Tea
      • 7
        Facility tours 2
    • 8
      Poster session Auditorium, WHGA/001

      Auditorium, WHGA/001

    • 19:30
      Bus to hotels Auditorium, WHGA/001

      Auditorium, WHGA/001

    • 08:00
      Bus to PSI Auditorium, WHGA/001

      Auditorium, WHGA/001

    • Muon facilities Auditorium, WHGA/001

      Auditorium, WHGA/001

      Convener: Daniela Kiselev (PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut)
    • 10:30
      Coffee / Tee Auditorium, WHGA/001

      Auditorium, WHGA/001

    • Muonic X-rays Auditorium, WHGA/001

      Auditorium, WHGA/001

      Convener: Takayuki Yamazaki (KEK)
    • 13:00
      Lunch Oase


    • Neutron Instrumentation Auditorium, WHGA/001

      Auditorium, WHGA/001

      Convener: Thomas Prokscha (PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut)
    • 15:30
      Coffee / Tea Auditorium, WHGA/001

      Auditorium, WHGA/001

    • Detectors Auditorium, WHGA/001

      Auditorium, WHGA/001

      Convener: Wataru Ootani (Univ. of Tokyo)
    • 17:45
      Bus to hotels Auditorium, WHGA/001

      Auditorium, WHGA/001

    • 19:30
      Workshop dinner Auditorium, WHGA/001

      Auditorium, WHGA/001

      Restaurant Blume

    • 08:00
      Bus to PSI Auditorium, WHGA/001

      Auditorium, WHGA/001

    • MEG II Auditorium, WHGA/001

      Auditorium, WHGA/001

      Convener: Stefan Ritt (PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut)
      • 20
        The First Result of MEG II on Search for mu -> e + gamma

        The MEG II Collaboration will present the first result of its search for the flavor-violating muon decay, mu -> e + gamma. MEG II, the upgrade of MEG, started physics data taking in late 2021 and is continuing to accumulate data to search for the lepton-flavor-violating muon decay with a target sensitivity of 6 x 10^-14 at 90% C.L., i.e., an order of magnitude improvement over MEG.
        The upgraded detectors (the 2.7-ton liquid xenon photon detector, the cylindrical drift chamber, and the pixelated timing counters), together with the new radiative decay counter, provide larger acceptance, increased granularity and better resolutions, allowing to deal with higher background rates than the previous MEG detectors.
        The result of the analysis of the data taken in 2021, which has a sensitivity close to the final MEG result, will be presented. By today, more than 10 times larger data sample than 2021 has already been accumulated. Future plan of the experiment will also be discussed.

        Speaker: Prof. Toshinori Mori (The University of Tokyo)
    • Subgroups Auditorium, WHGA/001

      Auditorium, WHGA/001

      Convener: Bernhard Lauss (PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut)
      • 21
        Q & A and work in subgroups

        Infrastructure, Particle Physics, muSR, UCN?

    • 13:00
      Lunch Oase


    • Wrap-up session Auditorium, WHGA/001

      Auditorium, WHGA/001

      Conveners: Tsutomu Mibe (KEK), Klaus Stefan Kirch (PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut)
    • 15:30
      Coffee / Tea Auditorium, WHGA/001

      Auditorium, WHGA/001

    • 16:45
      Bus to hotel Baden Auditorium, WHGA/001

      Auditorium, WHGA/001